
For each module, there are learning goals, materials (mainly books, papers and online courses) deliverables. For the full curriculum, you can check it out here. The main modules are below:

The purpose of education
Understanding the discourse around education, knowledge and learning. To be aware of the major schools of thought in learning theory and what 21st century learning entails.

The limits of education: equity and social mobility
The external factors that can constrain or enhance the quality of education in the world – policy, economic models, globalization, etc. To be aware of how the education system itself can reaffirm social inequity.

Bringing care into education: social pedagogy & beyond
Understand the theory of social pedagogy and informal learning that shapes young people’s experiences.

Educating for character and resilience
Defining character and how it’s measured, as well as its relationship/dialogue with academic achievement.

Creativity in schools
Explore how creativity is expressed and measured in educational contexts and why it is important.

Exploring different ways of thinking
Taking design methodology a level deeper and learning different tools and techniques to elicit insight and problem solve.

Where the Hong Kong education system succeeds and fails
Comprehensive overview of what the education system currently looks like. Know what previous education reforms have involved and why they failed/succeeded.

I’m always looking for interesting institutions, projects, organizations, schools and universities around the world that are doing exciting work under these topics. Please send them over if you come across them: